Give Hope and Love
The 10 Commandments
Divine Names & Titles of God
Thirty Day Prayers
The Sermon on the Mount
The Lord’s Supper or Communion
The Nine Gifts of the Spirit
The Fruit of the Spirit
The Armor of God
The Five-Fold Ministry
The Seven Spirits of God
Eight Ways to Get Closer to God
How the 12 Apostles Died
People Named Before Their Birth
Abiding in the Vine
Do This When You Fear, Grief…
Modern Day Apostles and Prophets
Declaring and Decreeing
God’s Marching Orders
How Many Promises Are in the Bible?
Also included in the Course...
Module # 1
Module # 2
Module # 3
Module # 4
♦If You hunger for the word of God.
♦If you want a close relationship with God
♦If you want to read the Bible from cover to cover.
♦If you want to know what the Anointed say
♦If you want to learn to tell others. People tend to be afraid when times get tough.
But, We really only have 3 options:
1- Hide our heads in the sand and pretend that "life goes on as usual".
2- Allow fear to paralyze you and do nothing.
3- Start learning skills that can help you take control of your life and your future.
The choice is yours.